Sleep Apnea, literally means “with‑out breath” in Greek. It is when breathing stops for 10 seconds or more while sleeping.
Signs of Sleep Apnea
- Snoring that may disrupt the sleep of others.
- Gasping, coughing or choking upon wakening
- Waking with your heart racing
- Waking up tired after a full night’s sleep
- Waking up with a headache
- Feeling very sleepy during the day
- Falling asleep without intending to
- Problems with memory or concentration
- Feeling irritable, short-tempered
- Weight gain, inability to lose weight
- Acid Reflux in adults
- AD/HD an/or bed wetting in children
Left untreated, sleep apnea increases the likelihood of illness or injury. It has been linked to obesity, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and even death. View the video below to learn about how Dr. Grieve treats patients with sleep apnea.
What Occurs During an Apnea
Serious and life-threatening problems start when sleepers begin experiencing apneas (where breathing stops) and hypopneas (where breathing is shallow due to an obstruction). Breathing is usually blocked in the back of the throat when the tongue and muscles relax during sleep, the lower jaw falls back toward the throat, and the airway becomes blocked.
The body’s oxygen level drops which in turn causes blood pressure to rise. The heart is forced to beat faster, which increases the pulse rate. The brain may cause the arms, legs or whole body to jerk in an attempt to wake the sleeper to resume breathing. The silence may end with a loud snort, cough or gasp. This causes the sleeper to wake briefly and begin breathing. Once asleep again, the muscles relax etc. and the process repeats itself.
Please let Dr. Grieve know if you feel you are suffering from sleep apnea.